All we requires a name and the number of adults & children who will be coming.
Call, text or email from the contact details below
Opening Friday, Saturday & Sunday after this coming weekend.
Pick Your Own from 10 am to 3pm.
Free entry to our orchard
mb 0427772431 or 0245671206
Getting here Shields Orchard Bilpin Email.
March 11th 2025
Starting Firmgold from Friday March 14
Plenty of Julie apples for picking.
We will have Packham pears for picking from Friday March 7th
Jonathan’s will be around for the next few weeks
We still have Bramleys available for picking and in the shed.
We have a very good crop of most varieties and look forward to a busy season.
For those children who planted potatoes during our open days they, are ready for digging preferably before the end of March as they may shoot snd start growing again
We have this season apple wood chips for BBQ smoking
As usual we encourage visitor to book, it makes it a better experience for everyone
If you would like to be updated on what is happening or when specific varieties are starting, email and ask to be put on our newsletter list
Bill & Julie Shields
we accept credit cards
Always Check before coming.
About Us
Shields Orchard is a small family based orchard that has been retailing our own fruit since 1955. Since 1992 we have been also been providing the opportunity for individuals and small family groups to “Pick Their Own” apples. There is no enty charge; the only charge is for the fruit picked. We provide a basket or you can pick into your own bags. We weigh the bags and charge per kilogram
We continue to improve our operations to the point that we believe we are carbon positive.
With Integrated Pest Management and some science, we now have high levels of predatory insects to control problem insects and has meant we have reduced our pesticide usage to about 30% of the recommended applications. Part of this has been the elimination of broad spectrum insecticide
We have just installed a 15 kw solar energy system that supplies all of the energy for the farming operation such as irrigation, cool room & shed.
We have over the years worked on improving our soil to the point of having organic carbon levels of 8.2 % which compared to other orchards as part of a national survey was 3 times more than the next closest. 8.2 % organic carbon means we are storing approximately around 75 tons of carbon / hect. In doing so have reduced the amount fertiliser we need to apply and as well the energy needed to apply it.
Helping us to Make it an enjoyable experience
We would encourage every one to either call, text or email us if you intend visiting.
We as that people picking their own to observe the following courtesies
1. Watch were you are walking over uneven surfaces do not run.. Please Supervise children when picking.
2. Stay within the areas to which you have been directed defined by ropes & observe the directions on signs.
3. Pick You Own means what you pick you pay for.
4. Please pick only the apples specified. (picking other than the specified apples may result in being charged at a higher rate).
5. Please use the rubbish bins provided. Do not leave rubbish in the orchard.
Thank you for your consideration! Enjoy yourself.